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Kisi Musalman Ko Hansta Dekh Kar Padhne Ki Dua
Read Dua At The Time Of Seeing A Muslim Smiling or Kisi musalman ko hansta dekh kar padhne ki dua in Urdu, English, Hindi is easy now by knowing its meaning. Dua is a prayer you can read on different occasions of life, with translations it's easy to memorize this Dua or supplication. Reciting Kisi musalman ko hansta dekh kar padhne ki dua keeps you close to Allah SWT, and you get endless blessings by reading these few words. You can read Dua For Dua At The Time Of Seeing A Muslim Smiling in Arabic and its English, Urdu and Hindi Translation here to know the meaning of Kisi musalman ko hansta dekh kar padhne ki dua Ki Dua.

Dua At The Time Of Seeing A Muslim Smiling
Kisi musalman ko hansta dekh kar padhne ki dua

Added On : 04 Feb, 2023 05:06 PM IST

Views : 12

أَضْحَكَ اللّٰہُ سِنَّكَ

Allah Azwajal tujhe hansta rakhe.
May Allah Almighty Keep you smiling.
اللہ عزوجل تجھے ہنستا رکھے۔
अल्लाह अज़वजल तुझे हँसता रखे।

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